I finally sat down with the photos I took of hats the night before the con and I realized... I do not take good photos. Especially late at night. Oh well. Here's new hats that showed up at Nekocon and one with a different pattern to it.
It's the Lion hat!

Here's the orange Tiger hat! (Totally Tabb)

Wow! Look at this bright blue Leopard hat!

Finally, here's the revisioned zebra hat with closer stripes for maximum zebra spirit!

I currently have in stock: 1 lion hat, 2 tiger hats, 1 leopard hat, and 3 zebra hats. Feel free to email me if you are interested in any of these.
I have not listed on etsy yet due to irregularity in my schedule for getting to the post office. I can easily post up there for you if you'd like to go that road or if you're local we can schedule a meet up.
More hats will be posted up sooner rather than later! (Some need better photos.. >_<)