Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bunny Hats!

Here's some of the bunny hats that I made for Nekocon. They turned out super cute and sold out. I still have material in all of these colors and I can also make them out of any other material I have. The black and pink versions of these hats were lined to keeping the fabric fuzzes out of the wearer's hair.

Gray Bunny hat with white in the ears

These next three pictures are of the back of the hats so you can see the coloring better with the ears. ^_^

Black Bunny hat with Pink fuzzy in the ears:

Pink Bunny hat with white fuzzy in the ears:

Black Bunny hat with blue fuzzy in the ears:

Please feel free to email me if you have any questions. ^_^ I am currently open for commissions and would be able to finish hats in time for Christmas if contacted soon.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Lions! And Tigers! And Leopards! ... wait, what?!

I finally sat down with the photos I took of hats the night before the con and I realized... I do not take good photos. Especially late at night. Oh well. Here's new hats that showed up at Nekocon and one with a different pattern to it.

It's the Lion hat!

Here's the orange Tiger hat! (Totally Tabb)

Wow! Look at this bright blue Leopard hat!

Finally, here's the revisioned zebra hat with closer stripes for maximum zebra spirit!

I currently have in stock: 1 lion hat, 2 tiger hats, 1 leopard hat, and 3 zebra hats. Feel free to email me if you are interested in any of these.
I have not listed on etsy yet due to irregularity in my schedule for getting to the post office. I can easily post up there for you if you'd like to go that road or if you're local we can schedule a meet up.

More hats will be posted up sooner rather than later! (Some need better photos.. >_<)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Con (2) - Nekocon 2008!

Nekocon was awesome fun! I had a great time and everything went very well in the artist alley.

Welcome to the blog to all of you who have arrived to this site from the business cards or from the etsy site. :) I know it doesn't look like I update very much, but I'm hoping to change that as things progress for me. Very soon, I will get the pictures off my camera and post all the different hats and colors I had finished for this con. It should be quite an update. ^^; So stay tuned and check back!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

NekoCon and progress

So... I have some awesome new! I guess I'll get to have a table in the artist alley cosplay section of NekoCon 2008! I can't wait to see people and sell some hats! Now to just sew up enough stuff to make up an inventory. :)

I've got a slight head start on all of this and I actually got new pictures to post! Not really of any specific hats, but pictures are worth something, right? It is a blog after all and... well, I just think this fabric I found while on vacation is amazing!

My aunty has an orange cat who's fur matches this fabric perfectly! (Oo! Ouch... Pun.) I really should get a picture of Sabby just so I can point it out better. I can't wait to see what this stuff sews like. :)

So here's the product of my labor so far. A hamper basket with hats in several stages of being complete. Quite a few are finished, some need to be lined, and a few in there are still just cuts waiting to be sewn to life. Zippy bags to keep them clean and not let all the scrap fabric shed all over them.

And here's three of the tubs loaded with fabric yelling at me to get working. Someday I hope they'll be empty enough that I can buy more fabric without needing more space. (*)_(*) Also a few tails in progress.

Finally... I was bored a while ago and whipped up this ubber quick banner for the etsy site even though it will probably be a bit before I upload anything more there. The site just looked so bare...

So I'm off to dream up grand and glorious ideas. A friend recently asked about a dragon hat design that I just must figure out before the con!
May happy dreams and ideas fill your day!

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Things have been going a little crazy here and since Marscon Fran has handed the company completely over to me now.
Hopefully I'll be able to pull it all together and post more of the hats I have made in the last few months.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Con (1) - Marscon '08!

Thingama Bobbin has now been to it's first Con! It was a really cool experience and many people were so encouraging. We've already booked our table for Marscon '09!
So here's me (Chris) behind the table on Saturday.

And here's Fran behind the table working away.

A bright yellow hat that was made right before the con.

This pink hat was made at the Con and sold not long after it was placed on the table.

Here's a look at the pile of hats during part of the prep work for Marscon.

I'll have to post more pictures of some of the hats later. Of course I'll have to make more hats to take pictures of being that I didn't do it before some of them were sold! ^^;